Thursday, January 2, 2014

Nancy's Birthday

Hi peeps. Miss you all. Hope the holidays were good. Nancy, Happy Birthday again! Glad the day was good. We need to celebrate!!!! I seem to be free many weekends except Jan 10th (Caro is going back Jan 11th). What is everyone else's schedule like? Snow again. damn snow. I finally mailed out my Christmas Cards which are quickly turning into Happy Martin Luther King Day cards and lo and behold the damn things were back in my mailbox today because they needed an extra 20 cent stamp. Apparently, there are bumps in my cards. Just know holiday wishes are still on their way!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Another AWESOME reason to get together...Dan's Birthday!

OK ladies, let's do it again!!  It is always so good to see and you keep me grounded and laughing, thank you.  My weekends are clear and Sunday October 13th is the night before a no school day.  Pick whatever works and I am in.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Another Great Boat Day!

What a great day we all had on Saturday!  As the kids get older and taller they continue to enjoy hanging out on the boat and beach together and that makes the day even more awesome.  How is Mark feeling?  Did Caroline get to school and settle in? Lynn - enjoy the Allman Brothers!  Nance keep us posted on gigs and I will try to get to one.

Let's plan Lynn's birthday night and a shopping overnight.  Most weekends are good right now. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hi Peeps!

Miss you all. How is everyone? It's hot again. When's everyone going on vacation? How's job hunting Deb? How's Norb, Nance? How was Taylro Swift Lynn? Blog peeps.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Boat Day

Thank you for the congrats!  Let's pick a date in August for boating and another to get together.